Давно что-то ничего не писала и не показывала... Была занята заказами и ежиками (скоро их покажу обязательно!). А планов целая куча! Кого только сшить в коллекцию я не собираюсь: и коалу, и бурундука... сейчас шью белочку. Но и о мишках стараюсь не забывать. Решила сшить миниатюрного мишутку. ))
О новостях. Заказала вчера мохер в интернет-магазине mohairbearmakingsupplies.co.uk. Теперь жду с нетерпением свою драгоценную посылочку из Великобритании. )) Посмотрим, может потом побооольше всего у них закажу.
Но я отвлеклась... показываю "рабочие кадры".
Всем удачной и продуктивной(!) недели!
Haven`t written anything for quite a while... Was busy with making orders and hedgehogs (will show you soon, promise!). Have ssso many plans! To mske a koala bear, a chipmunk... now I`m making a squirrel. Try not to forget about bears though. Here`s my miniature teddy in process.
As for news. Bought mohair in the UK internet shop mohairbearmakingsupplies.co.uk yesterday. Looking forward to receiving my precious parcel from Great Britain now. )) We`ll see maybe I`ll make a bigger order from the shop later.
So here`s my most miniature bear in process.
Have a productive working week! =)
Всем удачной и продуктивной(!) недели!
Haven`t written anything for quite a while... Was busy with making orders and hedgehogs (will show you soon, promise!). Have ssso many plans! To mske a koala bear, a chipmunk... now I`m making a squirrel. Try not to forget about bears though. Here`s my miniature teddy in process.
As for news. Bought mohair in the UK internet shop mohairbearmakingsupplies.co.uk yesterday. Looking forward to receiving my precious parcel from Great Britain now. )) We`ll see maybe I`ll make a bigger order from the shop later.
So here`s my most miniature bear in process.
Have a productive working week! =)