Бельчонка Бекки - рыженькая девочка, любит запрыгивать на ручки и обожает лес. Ростиком 13 см сидя без учета ушек. Головка и все лапки подвижные, любит позировать. Любит находить грибочки, шишки и другие лесные сокровища.
Материалы: мохер, миништоф, натуральный мех песца (хвостик), стекл.глазки, синтепон, стекл.гранулят, 5 шплинтов. А также две высушенные лисички и шишка.
Meet the fluffy little squirrel Becky! She adores jumping around the forest and collecting mushrooms and fir cones.
She is 13cm (about 5 inches) when seated not counting ears, she can`t stand steady without help. The squirrel is made of mohair, short pile cashmere, real arctic fox fur for tail. The head and paws are jointed with 5 cotter pin joints so that the squirrel can pose.
She is 13cm (about 5 inches) when seated not counting ears, she can`t stand steady without help. The squirrel is made of mohair, short pile cashmere, real arctic fox fur for tail. The head and paws are jointed with 5 cotter pin joints so that the squirrel can pose.
The mini mushrooms are real dried forest mushrooms.
Becky has moved to One More Bear shop.
And more photos...
Love her very much! Planning to create some squirrels smaller in size...
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